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Now we will see one very useful chrome extension. While browsing, you can note some website have long length. To come top of the page, we need to scroll using scroll bar present at right hand side. Nowadays most of the bloggers put the option 'Back To Top' feature. So its more convenient to ours while browsing. Few bloggers and website not put this feature. But length of the website is very long.  If we feel to go top of the page, at that time we need to scroll the scroll bar upto reach the top. To solve this problem SCROLL TO TOP EXTENSTION is more helpful.

If you INSTALL THIS EXTENSION means, Arrow button will appear. In single click, you will reach the top or bottom. You can set this arrow button any place of the screen. You can set the button to scroll top to bottom or bottom to top. It have one more option, two arrow button (Dual Button) appear at center. So you can move top or bottom.  Its more convenient to you. You can set  arrow button as your wish at any place of the screen. You can set button size, colors, Opacity and more. I recommend you, put this add-on on bottom of the right hand side. You will get more features in options. Its support only Chrome browser. Once you installed and use means, sure you like this and i recommend everyone try this. This free extension is more convenient while browsing.